Vanja Burul

Vanja Burul , Chairman of the Management Board

He was born in 1976. He graduated in 2002 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, majoring in Energy and Power Systems. In 2008 he completed the DSM – Diploma Study in Management international study programme, at the University of Zagreb. At IEDC Bled, he attended the Strategic Management (2016) and Advanced Management (2014) programmes. He has completed the Executive MBA programme at the Cotrugli Business School.

He started his business career in 2002 as a consultant at the EKONERG Institute for Energy and Environmental Protection. He has been employed by Končar D&ST d.d. since 2004 as a designer of medium power transformers. He performed the duties of the head of Special Distribution Transformers, and the head of Quality Control of Medium Power Transformers. He was appointed deputy member of the Management Board and Assistant Director of the Medium Power Transformer Profit Centre in 2011. In 2016, he was appointed a member of the Management Board and Director of the Medium Power Transformer Profit Centre.  In april of 2021 he was appointed a Chairman of the Management Board. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of the subsidiary PET, Poland.